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Mario Sanchez Carrion

I am a math tutor currently helping middle and high school students master common math concepts, and getting them prepared for the SAT and ACT tests.

I am also a computer programming enthusiast, especially interested in data analytics using Python, SQL and R.

I previously worked in international marketing and product development for Stanley Black & Decker, for more than 25 years.

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Sales and Inventory System with SQL

Made with: SQLite

Video overview: (


The database for the Soccer Shirt Store includes all entities necessary to facilitate the process of tracking customer orders and inventory available for a chain of sports retail stores that for now only sells soccer shirts. It also enables the generation of useful reports to run the business, as detailed in the queries.sql file. As such, included in the database’s scope is:

  • Stores, including basic identifying information
  • Salespersons, including basic identifying information
  • Customers, including basic identifying information
  • Shirts, including basic information
  • Orders, including a field for type which enables a return

As a result of many-to-many relationships between the Stores and Shirts, and Orders and Shirts entities, the following junction tables will be created:

  • Carried, which details the inventory of shirts in each store
  • Ordered, which details the shirts ordered in each order

Functional Requirements

This database will support:

  • CRUD operations for orders
  • Automatic update of inventory available after an order is completed
  • Tracking lifetime purchases by customers and sales by salespeople

Note that in this iteration, the system will not support automatic replenishment of shirts once inventory reaches 0.


Entities are captured in SQLite tables with the following schema.


The database includes the following entities:


The stores table includes:

  • id, which specifies the unique ID for the store as an INTEGER. This column thus has the PRIMARY KEY constraint applied.
  • location, which specifies the city or region where the store is located as TEXT, given TEXT is appropriate for city fields.

The shirts table includes:

  • id, which specifies the unique ID for the shirt as an INTEGER. This column thus has the PRIMARY KEY constraint applied.
  • team, which specifies the shirt’s team as TEXT.
  • size, which specifies the shirt size (S, M or L) as TEXT.
  • price, which specifies the shirt price as NUMERIC.

All columns in the shirts table are required and hence should have the NOT NULL constraint applied. No other constraints are necessary.


The customer table includes:

  • id, which specifies the unique ID for the customer as an INTEGER. This column thus has the PRIMARY KEY constraint applied.
  • first_name, which specifies the customer’s first name as TEXT, given TEXT is appropriate for name fields.
  • last_name, which specifies the customer’s last name as TEXT, given TEXT is appropriate for name fields.

All columns that are not primary keys or foreign keys in the customers table are required, and hence should have the NOT NULL constraint applied. No other constraints are necessary.


The salespersons table includes:

  • id, which specifies the unique ID for the salesperson as an INTEGER. This column thus has the PRIMARY KEY constraint applied.
  • first_name, which specifies the salesperson’s first name as TEXT, given TEXT is appropriate for name fields.
  • last_name, which specifies the salesperson’s last name as TEXT, given TEXT is appropriate for name fields.
  • store_id, which specifies the store the salesperson works at, as INTEGER.

All columns that are not primary keys or foreign keys in the salespersons table are required, and hence should have the NOT NULL constraint applied. This column store_id has the FOREIGN KEY constraint applied, referencing the id column in the stores table, which reflects and ensures that each salesperson works in a particular store.


The orders table includes:

  • id, which specifies the unique ID for the order as an INTEGER. This column thus has the PRIMARY KEY constraint applied.
  • customer_id, which specifies the ID of the customer who placed the order as an INTEGER. This column thus has the FOREIGN KEY constraint applied, referencing the id column in the customers table, which ensures that each order be referenced back to a customer.
  • salesperson_id, which specifies the ID of the salesperson who sold the order as an INTEGER. This column thus has the FOREIGN KEY constraint applied, referencing the id column in the salespersons table, which ensures that each order be referenced back to a salesperson.
  • store_id, which specifies the ID of the store where the shirt was sold, as an INTEGER. This column thus has the FOREIGN KEY constraint applied, referencing the id column in the stores table, which ensures that each order be referenced back to a store.
  • type, which specifies the type of order (P or R, for “purchase” or “return”) as TEXT.
  • date, which specifies the date of the order, as NUMERIC. If no value is provided, it will default to the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.

All columns that are not primary keys or foreign keys in the orders table are required and hence have the NOT NULL constraint applied.


The ordered table includes:

  • order_id, which specifies the ID of the order where the shirt was included, as an INTEGER. This column thus has the FOREIGN KEY constraint applied, referencing the id column in the orders table.
  • shirt_id, which specifies the ID of a shirt in an order, as an INTEGER. This column thus has the FOREIGN KEY constraint applied, referencing the id column in the shirts table.
  • quantity, which specifies quantity of shirts of each kind ordered, as an INTEGER. Since an order can be created for a purchase or for a return, quantity accepts negative values.

The PRIMARY KEY will be the combination of (order_id, shirt_id).


The carried table includes:

  • store_id, which specifies the ID of the store where the order originates, as an INTEGER. This column thus has the FOREIGN KEY constraint applied, referencing the id column in the stores table.
  • shirt_id, which specifies the ID of a shirt carried in the store, as an INTEGER. This column thus has the FOREIGN KEY constraint applied, referencing the id column in the shirts table.
  • quantity, which specifies quantity of shirts of each kind ordered, as an INTEGER. Since an order can be created for a purchase or for a return, quantity accepts negative values.

The PRIMARY KEY will be the combination of (store_id, shirt_id).


The below entity relationship diagram describes the relationships among the entities in the database.

ER Diagram

As detailed by the diagram:

  • One store may employ many salespersons, but a salesperson can only work with one store. A store may have a minimum of 0 salespersons (like when everybody quits) but a salesperson needs to be assigned to one store in order to be considered a salesperson.
  • One store can carry many shirts (a minimum of 0 if they are out of stock) and any shirt can be sold in many stores (minimum of 1 to be set up in the system).
  • One order can include many shirts (with a minimum of 1, otherwise there won’t be an order) and each shirt can be purchased in many different orders (with a minimum of 0 if nobody orders that shirt).
  • One customer can place many orders (minimum of 1 to be considered a customer) but any order can only be associated to one customer (minimum of 1, otherwise there won’t be an order).
  • One salesperson can sell many orders (minimum of 0 if it is a new salesperson or one that hasn’t sold anything yet) but an order can be sold by only one salesperson (minimum of 1, otherwise there won’t be an order).
  • A shirt can be sold in many stores (minimum of 1 to be set up in the system), and one store can carry many shirts (a minimum of 0 if they are out of stock).
  • A shirt can be purchased in many different orders (with a minimum of 0 if nobody orders that shirt), and one order can include many shirts (with a minimum of 1, otherwise there won’t be an order).


Per the typical queries in queries.sql, it is common for users of the database to want to obtain reports based on a certain shirt being ordered. For that reason, indexes are created on the order_id and shirt_id on the ordered table so that those reports are obtained faster.

Similarly, it is also common practice for a user of the database to concerned with viewing orders and sales per customer, or orders and sales to one particular customer. As such, an index is created on the customer_id column in the orders table to speed the identification of customers.


The current schema includes a trigger to automatically update inventory every time a shirt is sold. In order to avoid out-of-stock situations, our trigger uses a CASE statement that automatically replenishes the stock to 5 if a customer orders a quantity of shirts larger than the inventory on hand. In other words, if a store has 3 shirts in stock but the customer wants to buy 5, the store automatically orders 8 shirts: 3 to send to the customer (so the order is honored) and 5 to keep in inventory. We assume instant delivery of those 8 shirts, which in real life probably won’t be possible: a real life scenario would probably involve notifying the customer of the out-of-stock situation, asking them to come back after a few days to allow for delivery time of the replenishment order.

© 2025 Mario Sanchez Carrion