I am a math tutor currently helping middle and high school students master common math concepts, and getting them prepared for the SAT and ACT tests.
I am also a computer programming enthusiast, especially interested in data analytics using Python, SQL and R.
I previously worked in international marketing and product development for Stanley Black & Decker, for more than 25 years.
👋 Contact me at mario@mariosanchez.org.
Web app that shows you today's moon phase and percentage illumination
Made with: JavaScript
I wanted a simple web page to show today’s date, moon phase and percentage illumination, plus a nice picture of the moon.
My first step was to find an API that I could call to retrieve today’s moon phase and illumination. After some research I found the Farmsense moon phase API. The API accepts a date as a parameter, formatted in milliseconds (Unix Time), but only takes the first ten digits.
One problem with Unix time is that it’s in UTC-Coordinated Universal Time. To change it to Eastern Standard Time I had to subtract five hours in milliseconds from the current UTC time. I then pass the first ten digits of that value to the API’s end point url.
Next, I made an AJAX call using the fetch
API and transformed the response to JSON format to be able to use it.
Then, it was just matter of pulling the info we wanted to display from the response, and asigning it to the appropriate div
in the index.html
file via document.getElementById
Since I wanted to show nice pictures of the moon instead of run-off-the-mill icons, I went to NASA’s website and downloaded their moon pictures (which is allowed for educational purposes).
To match the moon phase pulled from the Farmsense API to the right moon phase picture I used a simple switch
You can see the app in action here:
© 2025 Mario Sanchez Carrion