I am a math tutor currently helping middle and high school students master common math concepts, and getting them prepared for the SAT and ACT tests.
I am also a computer programming enthusiast, especially interested in data analytics using Python, SQL and R.
I previously worked in international marketing and product development for Stanley Black & Decker, for more than 25 years.
👋 Contact me at mario@mariosanchez.org.
Made with: R
Video overview: (https://youtu.be/XwbC2oFqorQ)
This is a program that makes use of the tidiverse
, dplyr
, ggplot2
, maps
and sf
R packages to build a visualization tool that shows the observations of a particular bird species in a US map.
These are the functions that were created:
Name: bd_dot_file
Description: Prepares a file for input to the bd_dot_plot
Usage: bd_dot_file(species, state)
: a character vector of one or several bird species as denominated by their SPECIES_CODE
, e.g. c(“norcar”, “rebwoo”)` for the northern cardinal and red belly woodpecker.
: a string with the state code where we want to see bird observations
A tibble including the LATITUDE
where the species passed as an argument have been located in the state passed as an argument.
bd_dot_file(c("norcar", "rebwoo"), "FL")
will return a tibble with the LATITUDE
where northern cardinals and red belly woodpeckers have been spotted in Florida.
bd_dot_file(c("norcar", "rebwoo"), "XX")
will return a warning message since “XX” is not a valid state.
bd_dot_file(c("norcar", "rebwoo"))
will return a tibble with the LATITUDE
where northern cardinals and red belly woodpeckers have been spotted in all contiguous US states, since no particular state is provided.
bd_dot_file(c("nonexistingspecies"), "FL")
will return a warning message since the species argument provided doesn’t include any valid species
bd_dot_file("", "FL")
will return a warning message since the species argument wasn’t provided and one is needed
Name: bd_dot_plot
Description: Bird Observations Geographical Plot
Usage: bd_dot_plot(locs, title)
: a tibble displaying the LATITUDE
of all observations for a selected group of bird species, previously provided to the bd_dot_file
: a character string with the title we want to give to our chart.
A ggplot
showing a the locations in the US map where the selected group of bird species has been spotted, in the state provided to the bd_dot_file
bd_dot_plot(locs, "Northern Cardinal observations in FL")
will return a geom_jitter
over a US map showing spots where the northern cardinal has been spotted in FL (if the user selected FL as state argument in bd_dot_file
will result in a warning explaining that the argument needs to be a data frame.
will return a geom_jitter
over a US map showing spots where the Northern Cardinal has been spotted in the state provided by the user in bd_dot_file
. If no state was provided it will show all observations in the continental US. Since no title is provided, the default title of “Scatterplot” will be used.
Name: validate_species
Description: a helper function to determine if the value of a species entered by the user corresponds to a valid bird species.
Usage: validate_state(species)
: a character vector, e.g. c("norcar", "baleag")
Output: If input contains an invalid species: a warning message will alert user and stop program. If input contains all valid species codes: return to the function that called it without returning a value, as through a pass.
validate_species(c("norcar", "xxxxxx"))
will warn the user that xxxxxx
is not a valid species.
validate_state("norcar", "baleag")
will pass and go back to the calling function, since values provided are valid bird species.
will warn the user that
is not a valid species.
Name: validate_state
Description: a helper function to determine if the value of a state entered by the user corresponds to a valid state in the continental US.
Usage: validate_state(state)
: a character string of length 2, e.g. “FL” for Florida
If input is an invalid string: a warning message stopping the program.
If input is a valid string: returns to the function that called it without returning a value, as through a pass.
will return to the function that called it without a warning message, since “FL” is a valid state.
will return a warning message and stop the program, since the state “XX” is invalid.
will return to the function that called it without a warning message, and the function that called it will consider data for all states, without filtering for any state in particular, since none was provided.
© 2025 Mario Sanchez Carrion